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Maintaining Composure

Baltimore Private Security prevents crime at buildings, shopping malls, and other business properties. They are trained to look for suspicious behavior and can respond to emergencies by contacting the police or detaining suspects until police arrive.

Security guards can use force to detain a suspect but must abide by laws on the use of force. The law only permits reasonable force towardpermits’reasonable’ suspects.

Security guards protect individuals and organizations from a variety of potential risks. They patrol and monitor premises to prevent theft, violence, or infractions of rules at locations such as shopping malls, office buildings, retail stores, apartments, hospitals, hotels, gated communities, and public roadways. They may be armed or unarmed and usually work as part of a team, but some also act independently. Security personnel often operate detecting devices, such as metal detectors or surveillance equipment, while others may be responsible for monitoring building systems like fire alarms and CCTV cameras.

One of the most important duties of a security guard involves monitoring and responding to alarms triggered by intruders or other criminal activities. This duty requires excellent attention to detail and strong communication skills so the guard can quickly assess any situation and act accordingly. They can also be called upon to respond to emergency medical emergencies, such as heart attacks or seizures, and must be prepared to administer first aid.

While security guards cannot arrest citizen’s-citizens, they can detain suspects if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the crime occurred on their property. They are also responsible for liaising with law enforcement when a crime occurs on their watch so that the police can have all relevant information about the event. This is a highly sensitive duty that requires teamwork and a keen awareness of the need to respect private rights whilst providing the police with all relevant details about an incident.

Performing general building security duties, such as locking doors and gates; inspecting entrances and exits, assessing any risky situations and controlling access; and reporting on observations or incidents to their supervisor is a regular requirement for most security officers. In addition, they can be expected to monitor and adjust security systems such as fire alarms, CCTV and access control systems.

Security guards also provide customer service assistance and are sometimes stationed at building entrances to welcome guests and visitors or to help them find their way around. This can be a challenging job that demands strong interpersonal skills, and requires the ability to maintain a professional appearance at all times. Security guards are highly visible members of any organization, and their presence alone can be an effective deterrent to criminal activity.

Alarm Response

Alarm and alert response is a crucial part of security guard duties. They act as a deterrent to criminal activity, shield businesses from petty crime and damage, and can provide a quick and effective resolution to real emergencies like fire or environmental threats. During responses, they follow safety protocols and communicate with first responders to ensure a unified response. Security guards also conduct drills and simulations to improve their preparedness for different situations, making them more efficient in real-life incidents.

When an alarm or alert is triggered, a security guard will contact the control room to verify the status of the property or building. They’ll check surveillance footage or physically inspect the area to confirm whether there is an actual threat. If they determine that there is, they’ll notify law enforcement and other emergency services to dispatch armed response teams.

They will also assess the situation to decide how best to respond. This may involve contacting a medical emergency service or coordinating with building staff to evacuate the affected individuals. Security guards use tools like walkie-talkies to communicate with each other and reach hotspots faster, reducing their response time and helping to prevent panic and confusion.

A professional alarm response service is essential for business owners. It allows them to react to any alarm activations without putting employees or customers at risk. It also helps to reduce costs by minimizing the number of false alarms. False alarms can cause costly disruption to a business, as they require police to respond and investigate.

Having an armed response team at your business can help to minimize these costs by ensuring that only genuine alarms are responded to. In addition, they will be able to conduct a thorough perimeter check and protect your business from vandalism and trespassing.

Unlike residential security, which often relies on local authorities to investigate burglaries and other criminal activity, commercial properties need a specialised and dedicated approach to security. Specialised security officers can be trained to do a more comprehensive investigation of an alarm incident and will be more likely to capture the perpetrator in action, as opposed to a patrol officer who might only be able to do a drive-by check.

Enforcing Rules

Security guards are often tasked with the responsibility of enforcing rules and regulations within their designated areas. While this can seem like a broad and vague role, security guards have a defined legal framework that governs their authority and actions. This includes the use of force, which must be proportional to the threat and justified under the circumstances.

Generally, security guards are only allowed to make a citizen’s arrest when they witness a crime and have reasonable suspicion that the person committed it. This can include misdemeanors or even felonies, depending on local laws. During a citizen’s arrest, security guards are required to notify police as soon as possible, and they must detain the suspect until law enforcement arrives.

In addition, security guards must also obey all local, state, and federal laws regarding discriminatory practices. For example, they are only allowed to request identification from people they believe have the right to be on the property, and they cannot treat anyone differently based on their gender, age, race, or any other factor.

When a conflict does occur, security guards are trained to de-escalate the situation through active listening and effective communication. They are also required to document all incidents, including their observations and the action they took. This documentation can help in legal cases or to improve future security measures.

If the security guard is convinced that a person has broken the law, they can detain them for a short period of time and call the police. They can also ask the person to leave the property, but this will only be done if they are certain that the individual is a criminal and that the guard has reasonable grounds to believe that they have committed a crime. In either case, the security guard must inform the person of the reason for their detention and provide their name and employer’s name, as well as a way to contact them.

Security guards are also not permitted to obtain or execute search warrants, which must be issued by a judge and granted by a court of law. They can, however, conduct searches of the specific area they are authorized to protect if they have consent from individuals or property owners to do so.

Emergency Response

Security guards are trained to react quickly and efficiently in emergency situations. They use clear communication to relay crucial information to occupants and first responders. They are able to calmly direct people from hazardous areas, and can help evacuate buildings during natural disasters, fires, bomb threats, or other incidents. They can also work with law enforcement in a variety of ways to address incidents such as vandalism, assaults, or other criminal activity.

When it comes to medical emergencies, security personnel are often on the frontlines of emergency response. They know how to react to various medical scenarios, including administering CPR, controlling bleeding, and stabilizing fractures. Their skills enable them to assist individuals in need until professional medical assistance arrives, thus improving survival rates. They may also be familiar with the locations of AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) on the premises, which can help individuals who suffer from cardiac arrest.

In cases involving violence, security guards can intervene to defuse the situation and protect vulnerable individuals. This might include enacting lockdown procedures, working with local police to collaborate on an incident, or collaborating directly with the injured individual to provide lifesaving support. In some instances, they might even be required to detain suspects until law enforcement officials arrive to take them into custody.

To keep their skills sharp, security guards often undergo ongoing training, completing regular drills to prepare for real-world events. They are also trained to understand the legal framework that they operate within, and attend seminars on the latest security technologies and techniques.

XPressGuards security guards are a vital component of your facility’s safety and security system and can assist you with formulating emergency response plans. They are also equipped to handle a variety of security incidents that may occur on the premises, and can act as liaisons between your company and your community to promote awareness of safety protocols.

In the aftermath of a security incident, security guards are responsible for documenting and reporting on the event to authorities. This is important to assess the incident and its impact, improve future risk assessment processes, and determine whether any changes need to be made to prevent similar occurrences in the future.